As new policy for our wise US bank card, it takes longer time and more document works to deposit the payment to our account,it may not succeed in the end.To save the trouble and time ,we decide to stop taking wise payment by our US bank accout ,please no more payment and thank you for your attention!

福利单品 纯原版本 5层组合大底/原盒/真标/刷色皮 华夫sacia3.0男女同款老爹鞋 男女休闲鞋运动鞋

¥ 59.00($ 8.66)

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Total price:

¥ 66.00

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Item info

福利单品 纯原版本 5层组合大底/原盒/真标/刷色皮 华夫sacia3.0男女同款老爹鞋 男女休闲鞋运动鞋

潮先生 库存

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