As new policy for our wise US bank card, it takes longer time and more document works to deposit the payment to our account,it may not succeed in the end.To save the trouble and time ,we decide to stop taking wise payment by our US bank accout ,please no more payment and thank you for your attention!

【特价处理】日支线# C@RHARTT WIP 卡哈te 羊羔绒绒拼接口袋外套男女同款

¥ 119.00($ 17.17)

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¥ 124.00

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【特价处理】日支线# C@RHARTT WIP 卡哈te 羊羔绒绒拼接口袋外套男女同款


日支线# C@RHARTT WIP 卡哈te 羊羔绒绒拼接口袋外套男女同款 经典定番款  黑色 卡其色  实拍看细节!  插肩款的设计 各种身材轻松驾驭。 辅料全部开模定制,厚实羊羔绒+拼色口袋。 180 135 试穿M合适 L宽松  S胸围116 衣长71 袖长78.5  M胸围120 衣长73 袖长80 L胸围124 衣长75 袖长81.5 XL胸围128 衣长77 袖长83