As new policy for our wise US bank card, it takes longer time and more document works to deposit the payment to our account,it may not succeed in the end.To save the trouble and time ,we decide to stop taking wise payment by our US bank accout ,please no more payment and thank you for your attention!


¥ 728.00($ 103.70)

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Courier fees: ¥ 18.00

(We would adjust it if it is not captured correctly)

Total price:

¥ 746.00

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今晚7.30非会员释放 Cola自主Bal风格3XL熊猫黑白运动鞋 如需修改地址请在次日14点之前修改 第一批未拍到也不用着急 只是售卖部分做好了的 后续在厂的会持续输出 尺码偏大一码选择 例如:Nike穿42码则选择41 本批次为综合问题升级出货版 改良了以往所有丢失的细节问题 比以往任何配色的3XL更具有还原度 历史反馈过的问题至今年已全部做了调整 理念在于把批量产物尽全力“标准化” 后续不会再有升级的可能(除原标/鞋盒) 简单通俗来说就是这一系列的鞋子没得改了 正品之下没有对手 市面最强的3XL 欢迎对比