As new policy for our wise US bank card, it takes longer time and more document works to deposit the payment to our account,it may not succeed in the end.To save the trouble and time ,we decide to stop taking wise payment by our US bank accout ,please no more payment and thank you for your attention!

CD 2024秋冬徽章连帽卫衣 简约而不失精炼风范的卫衣.缔造现代优雅造型的绝佳单品.针织毛圈棉面料

¥ 290.00($ 42.71)

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¥ 300.00

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CD 2024秋冬徽章连帽卫衣 简约而不失精炼风范的卫衣.缔造现代优雅造型的绝佳单品.针织毛圈棉面料


2024秋冬CD Icon徽章连帽卫衣 简约而不失精炼风范的卫衣.缔造现代优雅造型的绝佳单品. 针织毛圈棉面料,运用先进的针织微密型器械制作保证了产品的裁剪造型和特色,透气舒适,手感柔软细腻兼具潮流时尚魅力. 胸前刺配同色调CD徽章体现品牌造就的完美设计.进口机绣工艺与手工刺缝的对接设计,字母的线条立体感丝丝入目,粗细均匀裹满非常扎实.整齐度密度隶属“铜墙铁壁”. 正面袋鼠式口袋设计+全新色调让整体绽放简约感的时尚光彩.全新面貌无拘无束地传达了设计师的巧创意. 男女同款 颜色:黑色/白色/灰色/藏蓝色/卡其色/蓝色 尺码:S/M/L/XL/XXL 数据 S码:胸围106cm-肩宽47cm-衣长67cm-袖长66cm M码:胸围110cm-肩宽49cm-衣长69cm-袖长67cm L码:胸围114cm-肩宽51cm-衣长71cm-袖长68cm XL码:胸围118cm-肩宽53cm-衣长73cm-袖长69cm XXL码:胸围122cm-肩宽55cm-衣长75cm-袖长70cm