As new policy for our wise US bank card, it takes longer time and more document works to deposit the payment to our account,it may not succeed in the end.To save the trouble and time ,we decide to stop taking wise payment by our US bank accout ,please no more payment and thank you for your attention!

佛山MS版 巴黎雪地靴合集 保暖加绒阿拉斯加skiwear雪地靴滑雪靴 高筒 低筒 中筒 (一体大底真羊毛,内里航空棉贴) 发货3天左右 WhatsApp:86+13055698157

¥ 540.00($ 80.72)

Please enter the price below if it differs from the price shown in the page

Size 正常Nike尺码购买

Courier fees: ¥ 30.00

(We would adjust it if it is not captured correctly)

Total price:

¥ 570.00

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Item info

佛山MS版 巴黎雪地靴合集 保暖加绒阿拉斯加skiwear雪地靴滑雪靴 高筒 低筒 中筒 (一体大底真羊毛,内里航空棉贴) 发货3天左右 WhatsApp:86+13055698157


发货3天左右 急单请先询问客服再下单 尺码建议正常尺码挑选 鞋子大 鞋盒大 重量也重 运费贵 艺术家请勿购买 佛山MS版 巴黎雪地靴合集 保暖加绒阿拉斯加雪地靴滑雪靴 高筒 低筒 中筒 (一体大底真羊毛,内里航空棉贴) 鞋子高度8cm左右 (鞋底➕内里鞋垫=8左右,不同尺码内里高度有略微不同) 数据参考

尺码建议 The inside of the shoes is surrounded by down, so it is not recommended to choose the size based on the length of the insole 鞋子里面四周都是羽绒,不建议按照鞋垫的长度选择尺码 建议按照Nike aj的尺码购买 正常Nike尺码购买 42.5选择42 44.5选择44 45-46-47 are customized sizes and cannot be returned or exchanged ❗️ Normal Nike shoe size purchase 鞋盒长度 中帮 低帮 鞋盒 42cm/34cm/15cm 高帮 鞋盒 58/33/16 下面是鞋子内部视频
