As new policy for our wise US bank card, it takes longer time and more document works to deposit the payment to our account,it may not succeed in the end.To save the trouble and time ,we decide to stop taking wise payment by our US bank accout ,please no more payment and thank you for your attention!


¥ 179.00($ 26.72)

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¥ 179.00

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Item info



钩子联名Sup灯芯绒工装裤, 货号:DM1779,采用灯芯绒材质,拼接立体裁剪,整件非常厚实,超高克重,质感非常不错。细节满满。复古条绒搭配刺绣小logo,后兜处一整片刺绣,腰间左右两侧各有一个调节的扣具可自由调节,上身偏宽松的版型。现货发。 尺码:S,M、L、XL(偏大) 身高178体重120穿S宽松