As new policy for our wise US bank card, it takes longer time and more document works to deposit the payment to our account,it may not succeed in the end.To save the trouble and time ,we decide to stop taking wise payment by our US bank accout ,please no more payment and thank you for your attention!

长期有货 独家出货 /经典款VANS面包鞋

¥ 119.00($ 17.50)

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Courier fees: ¥ 7.00

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Total price:

¥ 126.00

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Item info

长期有货 独家出货 /经典款VANS面包鞋


区别于大脚怪联名的VANS 这次是用基础款的面包鞋 个人感觉就是平替而已 华夫橡胶大底、而非半透水晶底、后跟刺绣也回归了经典款式 配色有最元年的味道海军蓝 对于VAVS的铁粉、真是诚意 翻毛皮➕真皮logo 华夫橡胶大底、是硫化、 厚鞋舌、内里海绵填充厚实、包裹性、舒适度兼备 配置实属可以 三个色的棋牌格鞋带有置换鞋带、是蓝盒、黑白和海军蓝是经典的红盒、无置换鞋带、官方也是、不存在偷工减料、对版最重要 试穿正常运动尺码、 清洗方面:翻翻毛皮材质原因、有点掉色正常现象、不建议水洗、有干净的不沾水的刷子刷即可、或者可以买专洗翻毛皮材质的产品来清洁

