As new policy for our wise US bank card, it takes longer time and more document works to deposit the payment to our account,it may not succeed in the end.To save the trouble and time ,we decide to stop taking wise payment by our US bank accout ,please no more payment and thank you for your attention!

五色入,春秋季男士经典款 运动休闲 针织拉链外套

¥ 118.00($ 17.64)

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¥ 123.00

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五色入,春秋季男士经典款 运动休闲 针织拉链外套


男子春季连帽衫外套针织休闲拼接拉链衫 经典百搭,超级好看! 申州国际全棉双面布,品质无敌好 男子全长拉链开襟连帽衫从经典 Windrunner 夹克和 Tech Fleece夹克汲取设计灵感,将两款经典造型巧妙融合。肩部、胸部和衣身采用休闲剪裁,塑就运动风范,便于叠搭。优质双面针织面料,内外皆具顺滑质感,穿着舒适且不增加滞重感! 落肩和拼接衣袖设计塑就运动风版型,局部弹性罗纹下摆有助稳固衣! 颜色;颜色:黑色 白色 卡其色 军绿拼色 黑拼深灰色 尺码:M L XL XXL