As new policy for our wise US bank card, it takes longer time and more document works to deposit the payment to our account,it may not succeed in the end.To save the trouble and time ,we decide to stop taking wise payment by our US bank accout ,please no more payment and thank you for your attention!

福利🉐️春款后背字母logo印花情侣款毛圈连帽卫衣 014

¥ 79.00($ 11.38)

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福利🉐️春款后背字母logo印花情侣款毛圈连帽卫衣 014

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Balenciaga2022春款巴黎世家后背字母logo印花情侣款毛圈连帽卫衣 配色还是那么经典 这件balenciagga蓝色Logo奶油色卫衣帽衫❤ 高级灰搭配白标印花颜色真的爱了😍 巴黎世家第一次出米白色卫衣而且还搭配了蓝色logo字体. …. 颜色特别正! 面料采用纯棉毛圈 舒适透气 随意百搭男女同款绝绝子,对这件帽衫真的太爱了 拥有这件连帽卫衣才算完整 妥妥的背影杀🦦 男女都可以穿哦💏 颜色:奶杏色/高级灰 尺码:M~5xl