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原厂25年秋冬款 棉重工卡通小熊圆领学院减龄百搭毛衣男女同款

¥ 220.00($ 31.75)

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¥ 220.00

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Item info

原厂25年秋冬款 棉重工卡通小熊圆领学院减龄百搭毛衣男女同款


  • Pure Cotton Material:Crafted from high-quality pure cotton, this sweater offers ultimate comfort and warmth, perfect for the autumn and winter seasons.
  • Versatile Cartoon Design:Featuring a cute cartoon design, this unisex sweater is versatile and can be paired with various outfits, making it a must-have for everyone.
  • Suitable for Men and Women:With its gender-neutral design, this sweater is suitable for both men and women, making it a unisex fashion statement.
  • Long-lasting Style:The sweater boasts a timeless 3D/3D pattern that never goes out of style, ensuring you stay trendy for years to come.
  • Comfortable Fit:Designed with a round neck, this sweater provides a comfortable fit, perfect for everyday wear.
  • Age-reducing Effect:This sweater has an age-reducing effect, making you look youthful and vibrant, enhancing your overall appearance.