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OUOII液体细闪变色龙眼影 亮片闪粉珠光美妆化妆品卧蚕液体眼影

¥ 4.60($ 0.66)

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¥ 4.00

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Item info

OUOII液体细闪变色龙眼影 亮片闪粉珠光美妆化妆品卧蚕液体眼影


  • Liquid Eyeshadow:The OUOII O06 Golden Dream Liquid Eyeshadow offers a unique blend of shimmer and sparkle, perfect for creating a glamorous eye makeup look.
  • Wide Appeal:This product is suitable for a wide range of people, making it a versatile addition to any beauty enthusiast's makeup collection.
  • Easy to Use:The liquid formula of this eyeshadow allows for easy application, blending seamlessly into your eye makeup for a flawless finish.
  • Standout Effect:With its sparkling shimmer and powdery shine, this eyeshadow helps to create a standout eye makeup effect that catches the eye.
  • Long-lasting:This liquid eyeshadow is formulated to last all day, ensuring your makeup stays vibrant and fresh throughout the day.
  • Compact Size:Its compact size makes it easy to carry around, perfect for on-the-go touch-ups and last-minute makeup fixes.